A simple tweak in your daily habits is key to keeping your teeth in great health. Learn more about it right here.

Daily brushing and flossing are the essence of maintaining good oral health, but it doesn’t stop here. The type of food and drinks that you consume also play a big role in maintaining healthy teeth. Here are a few simple actions you can take towards a healthier smile.


Replace soft drinks with water

Many soft drinks contain acidic compounds that can wear off the protective layer of your teeth called the enamel. This can cause cavities to appear, among other problems. By simply switching to drinking water after every meal, you’re already off to a great start! Water acts as a natural cleanser that helps wash down the acid and residues from the food you consume. That said, make sure you rinse your mouth with room temperature water after every meal. 


Keep your diet balanced

Aside from water, you should also consider adding more greens and fruits to your diet.

Crunchy/coarse vegetables and fruits, rich in water, are considered natural teeth cleaners. They stimulate saliva production which washes down acid, bacteria, and food particles lodged between your teeth. Celeries and carrots, for example, have a very crunchy and fibrous texture; that makes them natural flossing agents for healthy teeth. They’re also rich in vitamins A and C. In addition, carrots are rich in calcium and keratins that help fight cavities.


Wait for the right temperature

While you’re applying those changes to your diet, make sure you also consider food temperature. Avoid eating foods that are too hot or too cold, especially if you have sensitive teeth. These extreme temperatures can cause discomfort and pain. If you’re dealing with teeth sensitivity, it’s best to consult a dentist and get a checkup. 

The next time you find yourself in front of a scoop of ice cream or a bowl of soup, make sure you wait a couple of minutes to comfortably enjoy those foods.


Choose the right toothbrush

Picking the right toothbrush is more important than you think. Orthodontists recommend you choose one that is the right size for your mouth, can reach all corners, and has soft bristles. Contrary to popular belief, having a hard-bristled brush doesn’t necessarily clean your teeth better. In fact, the softer the brush the more flexible it becomes, and therefore the easier it can reach all corners to eliminate plaque and germs.

While it’s important to pick the right brush, it’s also crucial to know when to give it up. Dentists recommend replacing your toothbrush with a new one every 3-4 months (by then, the bristles would have worn out and lost their effect). 

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